Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant?

Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant

The consequences of magic mushrooms on your baby’s growing brain are unclear. So, until you’ve broken the chord, it’s best to avoid any psychedelics. Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant?

Psilocybin mushrooms are one of the most popular psychedelic drugs in the world, yet there has been little study on the safety of psychedelics on pregnant women and their newborns.

Although the conventional opinion is to avoid using psychedelics while pregnant, certain indigenous tribes utilize them as a natural part of the childbirth process.

We’ll discuss why we advocate avoiding mushrooms until you’re finished breastfeeding, as well as certain cultures that do use psychedelics with appropriate intention and under the supervision of a qualified professional.

Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant?

In general, shrooms are not considered safe during pregnancy. We don’t know much about how psychedelic substances affect the developing brain of a fetus.

The research on the impact of psychedelics on babies is sparse, however, we do know a few things thus far:

Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant?

Psilocybin May Reduce Fetal Blood flow

The greatest evidence we have comes from studies on sheep (baby deer) and LSD [1]. This study discovered that LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). A similar 5HT2 agonist, exhibited vasoconstrictive effects on both the uterine and umbilical arteries, potentially leading to impaired blood flow in the baby.

Magic mushrooms and LSD have comparable vasoconstrictive effects, and both are used to treat cluster headaches as a result of this impact.

Psilocybin May Have Abortifaciant Qualities

Early research suggests that LSD and other 5HT2 agonists have an oxytocic impact on rat uterine tissue. Because oxytocin plays a role in triggering labor, it is feared that increased oxytocic activity will result in premature labor.

Extreme Exceptions?

Due to unforeseen situations, a pregnant woman may be required to take certain drugs. Albuterol is one such example. A severe asthma episode reduces the mother’s oxygen supply, as well as the fetus’. If this continues long enough, she may die, putting the fetus at danger. The hazards of using a small dose of the medicine greatly exceed the risks of not utilizing it in this circumstance.

Perhaps someone with treatment-resistant depression who uses mushrooms and experiences less symptoms (such as suicide ideation) falls into this group. In many circumstances, a tiny amount goes a big way. However, we won’t be able to tell for certain until we learn more. And never make such a decision without first consulting your doctor.

Do Shrooms Make Birth Defects More Likely?

There is no evidence that using mushrooms while pregnant increases the risk of birth abnormalities or low birth weight.

They may, however, lead to poor development by blocking blood flow or encouraging premature birth (unconfirmed).

Because there is no human study to establish that mushrooms are safe to consume while pregnant, it is best to avoid them totally during your pregnancy. Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant?

Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant?

Can You Take Shrooms While Breastfeeding?

There is essentially no study to prove the safety of ingesting mushrooms while nursing, as there is with taking them while pregnant.

Substances taken while nursing, including psilocybin and psilocin, the active chemicals in mushrooms, can be passed on to your kid through breastmilk.

Even in little amounts, they might have an unknown effect on an infant’s quickly growing neurological system.

Nutritional profile and health benefits of mushrooms

While mushrooms are low in dietary fats and calories, they are high in B vitamins and minerals and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

Furthermore, they function as prebiotics to promote excellent intestinal health.

One-half cup (84 grams) of gourmet mushrooms gives about

  • Carbs: 19 grams
  • Protein: 2.9 grams
  • Fats: 0.4 grams
  • Niacin: 21% of the recommended daily value
  • Riboflavin: 22%
  • Selenium: 27%

Oyster mushrooms provide somewhat more calories, protein, and fiber than other varieties, but they are low in selenium.

Mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, such as that emitted by sunshine or a UV lamp, are a plentiful and essential vegetarian source of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is required for conception and pregnancy, where it promotes bone health. This vitamin has been linked to a lower risk of unfavorable pregnant health outcomes.

Types of mushrooms to eat while pregnant

In short, mushrooms have several nutritional advantages and may be ingested safely throughout pregnancy.

Although mushrooms are usually considered safe to consume while pregnant, it is critical to select the safest varieties.

Culinary mushrooms

Avery’s Albino Magic Mushrooms, portobello, Dancing Tiger Magic Mushrooms, maitake, Golden Teachers Magic Mushrooms, crimini, and white button mushrooms are all considered safe to eat. Research in pregnant rats found that shiitake eating reduced triglyceride levels in the mother while having no effect on the fetus’s growth.

Another research of 1,162 pregnant women discovered that eating 100 grams of white button mushrooms daily from pre-pregnancy to 20 weeks of pregnancy lowered high blood pressure as well as the chances of developing gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

But there may be a solution.

Psilocybin has a half-life of only 3 hours and is only detectable in the body for roughly 24 hours. As a result, you may effectively “bank” breast milk prior to your vacation. After you’ve ingested the mushrooms, feed your infant the breast milk you collected and wait until the psilocybin is totally out of your system before collecting more or nursing immediately.

This allows the woman to explore her psychology without risking introducing the infant to mind-altering medications.

Historical Use of Psychedelics Among Pregnant Women

Psychedelic usage dates back thousands of years, and there have been proven cases of Native American women utilizing psychedelic chemicals such as ayahuasca and peyote while nursing. Consumption of peyote was thought to boost the quantity and quality of breastmilk accessible to the newborn.

There has been little recent research on the subject, but one study in particular reveals that the hallucinogenic ingredient in peyote, mescaline, does, in fact, enhance breastmilk production. Prolactin, a crucial hormone associated with breastmilk production, can quadruple in the nursing mother quickly after taking mescaline.

Are Magic Mushrooms Safe to Use While Pregnant

There have also been instances of Native American women using peyote to help with delivery. Modern research has not supported these claims, although anecdotal tales from centuries ago say that labor was substantially easier after eating peyote. Would it be useful in today’s society? Some mothers find the thought of stumbling during labor terrifying.

Conclusion: Are Shrooms Safe While Pregnant?

There has been very little study on the safety of consuming mushrooms while pregnant or nursing. There have been anecdotal accounts of birth deformities, pregnancy problems, and other concerns resulting from shroom use during pregnancy, but none of them have been proven.

Doctors, on the other hand, highly advise against using prescription or over-the-counter medicines while pregnant, and they also advise against using any illicit narcotics while pregnant or breastfeeding. Psilocybin and psilocin can enter the infant through the umbilical cord or breastmilk, thus it’s best to avoid using drugs from the start of your pregnancy until you stop nursing.

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