What is Changa? Smokeable Ayahuasca

What is Changa

Changa is a smokable MAO inhibitor that is coupled with DMT or plants that contain DMT.
Changa can be made with a variety of plants and additions, but the traditional formula includes ayahuasca vine as the main component. The ayahuasca vine is then mixed with freebase DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine). Other herbs are added to produce extra psychotropic effects, to soften the smoke, or to enhance the flavor.

While changa was only formally “invented” in the early 2000s, the idea of smoking DMT-containing plants has long been around.

In his 1993 book β€” True Hallucinations β€” the late Terence McKenna himself recalled taking ayahuasca vine during the pinnacle of a mushroom trip.

We’ll go over all you need to know about it in this post. We’ll go through the components, safety, dose, and legality, among other things.

What is Changa?

Changa is a smoked version of ayahuasca. It’s a herbal concoction that includes dried ayahuasca vine (or another MAO inhibitor) plus DMT. It’s utilized as a substitute for ayahuasca or smokeable DMT.

Changa is gentler than 5-MeO-DMT and does not last as long as ayahuasca. It allows consumers to slip into the DMT world more gradually. It takes a few tokes to reach the deeper stages, so users aren’t pushed into psychedelia as quickly.

Having said that, changa is a strong psychedelic that must be feared. Many consumers who try this smokable combination find that they receive far more than they bargained for.

The MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor inhibits DMT from being broken down too fast, resulting in a greater and longer-lasting DMT experience.

There is some disagreement over what defines “true” changa. The original changa inventor, Julian Palmer, an Australian, employed ayahuasca as a key element in the mix. As an alternative to the ayahuasca vine, you may now purchase changa which employs a plant called Syrian rue, often known as passionflower.

The source of DMT is also unknown. Some people take synthetic DMT, while others prefer naturally derived forms or plants containing DMT, such as the acacia tree, chacruna, or mimosa.

Other plants are frequently added to the combination to improve the flavor, alleviate the harshness of the smoke, or provide additional psychoactive effects.

The same basic concepts are used in a comparable cocktail utilizing a prescription MAO inhibitor and synthesized DMT. This concoction is known as pharmahuasca.

Related: DMT smoking instructions.

Active IngredientsHarmala Alkaloids & N,N-DMT
Level of RiskModerate
Street NamesChanga, Xanga, Smokable Ayahuasca
Most Common Side EffectsNausea & Vomiting
Duration of Effects10 – 45 minutes
LegalityLegal in most parts of the world

Safe Changa Guidelines

  1. Set, setting, sitter, and drug are the four pillars of appropriate psychedelic usage.
  2. Know your dosage – start low and gradually raise the amount.
  3. 🐍 Buy only from trustworthy sources – only order it from reputable suppliers.
  4. Know the timetable β€” Changa’s effects will last between 10 and 45 minutes.
  5. Have a trip sitter nearby – someone you can rely on to be sober during the excursion.
  6. 💊 It is not safe to combine it with other medicines, prescriptions, or alcohol.
  7. Know when to avoid Changa – avoid using Changa if you have underlying cardiac, neurological, or mental issues.

How Does Changa Work?

The active element in changa is N, N, DMT, which is also found in ayahuasca and yopo.

DMT is a potent psychedelic that may induce highly psychedelic states of consciousness. When we consume DMT orally, an enzyme called monoamine oxidase (MAO) quickly breaks it down.

By inhibiting MAO with other plants, such as ayahuasca vine or Syrian rue, we can prevent DMT from breaking down, allowing it to exhibit its psychedelic effects.

The MAO inhibitor is required for DMT oral preparations (such as ayahuasca) to operate, but it is not required for DMT smoking.

DMT can still cause strong psychedelic effects when smoked or vaped before MAO has a chance to break it down. This is how the venom of the bufo toad (5-MeO-DMT) works.

Having said that, adding MAO inhibitors to DMT in smoking mixtures makes it substantially stronger and last longer.

At the same dose, a changa formulation containing around 40% DMT plus an MAO inhibitory herb is significantly more powerful than 100% free-based DMT.

What’s The Dose of Changa?

Because of the wide range of changa products, it is often difficult to recommend a precise dose. The dosage is entirely determined by the herbs or other components included in the blend.

However, the average dose of DMT in changa is between 30 and 200 mg of DMT β€” so you’ll need to know the approximate concentration of DMT in the changa you’re taking before you begin. This isn’t always simple to determine, and most of the time, you’ll have to base your changa dose on how you feel rather than a set weight of dried changa leaf.

The ideal approach to begin using changa is with a very modest dose. Take one puff and see how it affects you for a few minutes. From there, you may take longer and longer draws or hold the puff for longer before exhaling. The more you smoke, the more trippy the experience becomes.

You may control the level of effects without going overboard by being patient. Wait a minute, then smoke some more. Repeat.

Some changa strikes like a freight train after only one or two draws, while others are considerably milder and may need many sessions to reach the DMT plane. You never know until you sample it, and each batch is unique.

What Does Changa Feel Like?

Changa has a similar effect as ayahuasca or 5-MeO-DMT. It is usually considerably weaker than the other forms of DMT, however, this is not always the case. Some changa trip reports describe very psychedelic and profoundly poignant experiences. Because of the variety of possible changa formulations, the experience might vary greatly.

If you use herbs like Calea or mugwort, the experience will be far more clear than if you use mullein or peppermint instead.

When it comes to the changa experience, there are several levels to choose from:

Tier 1: Expanded Awareness State

This is the most comparable condition to LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or magic mushrooms. You stay in the “real world” and are completely present in your body. You, on the other hand, have a stronger sense of connection with others and the environment around you.

Your viewing field is affected. Geometric fractal patterns may be seen everywhere around you. Objects appear to move and merge together, and you may hear or see noises or colors you’ve never seen before.

Tier 2: Projection State

The projection state is a step beyond the extended awareness stage. You’ll most likely be aware of your own existence, but you’ll have left your body. Usually, this will feel like you’re still in the same room, but you’re seeing yourself from a different angle.

The visual and audio hallucinations will be intense. You can feel a sense of oneness or an approaching catastrophe. Both are symptoms of ego breakdown and can be extremely illuminating.

During this state, it is normal for people to lose part or full control of their bodies. You may find yourself laughing excessively, looking off into space, or collapsing on the ground for a few seconds.

Tier 3: Alien Realm

This is the third and final layer of the changa (or DMT experience in general).

You’ve completely lost contact with reality at this point. You may or may not know who or what you are, and you may or may not have traveled to a new location. Often, you will find yourself in a new setting. You may be in a strange country, a forest, or a room you’ve never seen before. The sensation is really intense and bizarre. Many individuals claim “making contact” with aliens, which is an eerie phenomenon with DMT experiences in general.

Time has lost any significance. The entire experience only lasts around 10 minutes before returning to a more concentrated awareness state, yet it might seem like you’ve experienced multiple lives while going through it.

There is much philosophical discussion regarding how “real” these experiences are. Finally, everything you’re feeling is totally genuine while it’s occurring. The experience may be seen, felt, touched, and interacted with in the same manner that you would engage with “normal reality.”

Does Changa Cause a Hangover?

It’s unusual for individuals to get a hangover after consuming changa, although it’s not impossible. It all boils down to the components in it they were drinking.

Some additions, such as chemical additives or plants such as datura or Brugmansia, might have long-term adverse effects. They can produce headaches, exhaustion, nausea, sadness, or long-lasting hallucinations after the experience.

True changa seldom has long-term harmful consequences.

In reality, the majority of individuals describe an afterglow – a feeling of happiness, spiritual awakening, and constructive contemplation that lasts for many days after the experience.

What is Changa

How Long Does Changa Last?

Changa’s effects last for a relatively short time – typically 10 to 30 minutes, and in exceptional circumstances up to 45 minutes.

The longer the effects last, the stronger the MAO inhibitor you’re on. Even with the most potent MAo inhibitors, the entire experience is rarely more than 45 minutes.

Some users will smoke changa numerous times, pausing for at least 10 minutes between hits. It may take many hits to get peak results, and if the herb mixture is smoked continuously, the experience can last almost as long as you want.

Read more on Related post:Β How to make DMT

How to Use Changa

Changa is utilized in the same way that any other smokable herb or herb mix is. It may be smoked in a pipe or bong or rolled into a changa joint.

Unlike 5-MeO-DMT or salvia extract, changa does not generally have a strong first effect. It will have an effect on you, but it will be a lot milder at first. Most users say that it takes many deep draws to achieve the power of other types of DMT.

Most people consider this to be an advantage of changa over other types of DMT. You may manage the celebrity and severity of the experience by smoking tiny, careful dosages of the herb until you reach the desired degree.

When compared to other types of DMT, such as 5-MeO-DMT from bufo toad venom, which can take you from 0 to 100 in seconds. For individuals who aren’t prepared, this kind of celerity can be quite unsettling. It’s like the Carl Jung dictum, “Beware of unearned wisdom.” Taking a powerful psychedelic is like diving into the deep end of the pool. It might be intimidating β€” even hazardous β€” if you don’t already know how to swim.

By beginning at the shallow end, Changa allows you to swim more slowly to the deep end of the pool.

If you want to maximize efficiency, smoke changa slowly and thoughtfully – that is, don’t hurry it or smoke it too quickly. Take slow, deliberate strikes and hold them for as long as possible.

What is Changa

How Strong is Changa Compared To Other Psychedelics?

DMT, the main element in changa, has the potential to be the most powerful hallucinogenic chemical on the planet. Only drugs such as salvinorin A come close to matching it.

Changa vs. Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca and Changa share many similarities. In reality, the traditional changa recipe includes the ayahuasca vine as one of the main components, as well as another typical ayahuasca addition known as chacruna (Psychotria viridis).

The distinction between changa and ayahuasca is based on how they are ingested. Changa is smoked, whereas ayahuasca is consumed as a tea.

Changa also has far shorter effects, lasting about 30 minutes on average, compared to 8 hours or more with ayahuasca.

There is also a significant variance in the conventional application of these drugs. Ayahuasca has a lengthy history of ceremonial usage and has been utilized for millennia. Shamans have built relationships with each element in the ayahuasca combination, and administering it requires a lifetime of expertise.

Changa was created by an Australian psychonaut in the early 2000s, although the idea of smoking DMT-containing plants isn’t new. Herbs like yopo have long been utilized in South America, and certain civilizations have even smoked the ayahuasca vine ceremonially.

Changa vs. Salvia

Some changa trip accounts sound suspiciously similar to the salvia experience. Because there is no official formula for a changa herb mixture, many of these mixes are likely to contain some salvia.

The salvia experience is bizarre, immersing users in a realm that combines reality with full anarchy – sometimes frightening chaos, sometimes not. Uncontrollable laughing is far more prevalent in salvia mixes than in ayahuasca vine or Syrian rue mixtures.

Both offer an exceptionally intense psychedelic experience with a short duration. Both salvia and changa have a half-life of 45 minutes. The experience is usually over in around 20 minutes.

Changa vs. 5-MeO-DMT

Raw bufo toad venom and synthesized 5-MeO-DMT are the two major forms of 5-MeO-DMT. Both are extremely powerful, consistently offering significant spiritual experiences to individuals who employ them.

In larger dosages, Changa is equivalent to 5-MeO-DMT and uses the same mechanism of action to bring you there. The primary distinction between the two is celerity.

Celerity refers to the rate at which a chemical takes you into the psychedelic world, as well as the length of the effects.

Substances having a high celerity act fast yet last just a short time. Changa and 5-MeO-DMT both have a high celerity, although 5-MeO is more so.

Just one toke of 5-MeO transports you to the third stage of the DMT experience – the alien world β€” within roughly 5 seconds of smoking or vaping.

Changa is also rapid, but you’ll need to smoke more than one puff to get there, and it can take many puffs and a few minutes to achieve equivalent levels to 5-MeO.

Is Changa Safe?

The ayahuasca plant and synthetic DMT were employed in the original changa formulation. Neither of these chemicals is dangerous or offers a significant risk to the user. In reality, the majority of indole-alkaloid-based psychedelics (such as magic mushrooms, LSD, DMT, and mescaline) have no physical effect at all. These chemicals have an influence on the mind, which might result in side effects such as anxiety or elevated blood pressure, although they seldom cause these symptoms on their own.
Because the components list for changa is so imprecise, there is an extra level of risk while utilizing this medicine. There is a lot of chemically enhanced changa on the market today that have been sprayed with possibly hazardous or addictive compounds to increase the psychoactive impact. Some manufacturers include synthetic cannabinoids, opiates, synthetic cathinone (also known as bath salts), PCP, damiana, Brugmansia, and other potentially hazardous or addictive ingredients.

Furthermore, the dosage might vary significantly from one sample to the next. Depending on the substances used and the ratio, some changa samples can be more than 100 times stronger than others.

Unfortunately, there is no reliable technique to test the contents of changa to ensure its safety. To be certain, you’d need access to precision lab equipment.

Because of this issue, you should only use changa if it comes from a very trustworthy source or if you’ve prepared it yourself and know precisely what’s in it.

Changa is a highly psychotropic drug that should be taken with caution. Don’t go in with the goal of “getting messed up.” Irresponsible use of drugs like these might result in significant negative effects. Ontological shock, for example, produces physiological side effects that might last months or years if the event is not effectively absorbed.

Changa Drug Interactions

You should never combine changa with any prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Many other herbs, the majority of which have overt pharmacological properties, can be added to the changa combination. This considerably raises the likelihood of a harmful interaction with any medicine.

Harmala alkaloids found in plants such as ayahuasca vine and Syrian rue are known to interact poorly with antipsychotics, cardiac medicines, and antidepressants.

It’s best to avoid combining any drugs with changa – even cannabis should be taken with caution due to the shared psychedelic effects.

If you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, depression, severe anxiety, psychosis, or another mental ailment, never use changa. While there is something to be said about the influence of psychedelics like changa on mental health, there are other, safer medications for this.

If your objective is to treat a specific medical condition using psychedelics, you should also seek professional counseling from a qualified psychedelic-assisted psychotherapist.

Changa Side Effects

The adverse effects of changa are determined by the substances utilized in that specific mix. With that stated, below are some of the most often reported negative effects of changa use. It’s worth noting that these are negative effects of actual changa, not “chemically enriched” changa, which is a totally different beast.

Side effects of changa include:

  • Nausea & vomiting
  • Dry mouth & throat
  • Coughing or chest congestion
  • Dizziness
  • Tingling sensation in the hands & feet
  • Headache

Is Changa Addictive?

Changa is not inherently addictive.

Some black market formulations, however, contain potentially addictive drugs such as benzodiazepines or opioids. This is one of the reasons why you should only use changa from a trusted supplier.

  1. The body quickly develops resistance to psychedelics; if you use changa for the second or third time in a row, you’re unlikely to experience anything. It will take at least a week for it to work again.
  2. People may not want to have psychedelic experiences every day; while they can be enjoyable, they can also be frightening and uncomfortable. Most excursions have elements of both. It’s not something most people do on a daily basis.
  3. Psychedelics can trigger ego disintegration – When your ego dissolves, even for a little period, you are forced to reconsider your whole existence. Most people conclude that they no longer require drugs that are used to treat addiction rather than create new addictions.

What’s In Changa? Changa Recipes

Julian Palmer, an Australian, began experimenting with smokable plants in pursuit of an ayahuasca substitute. He really asked ayahuasca what he should call it one day while sitting in the ritual, and the response seemed to be changa.

Julian Palmer’s method is often regarded the gold standard for making changa, however, there are several variations that work just as well. The beauty of this mixture is that you can mix and match many different components depending on what you have on hand. The overall results will be similar, but not identical, depending on the substances you choose.

Changa can be as basic as an MAO inhibitor and DMT source, or it can be more sophisticated, with other herbs added to improve the flavor, alleviate frequent side effects, promote a specific psychoactive effect of the combo, or smooth the smoke.

If you want to produce your own changa, here are several choices to consider.

MAO Inhibitors

  1. Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi)
  2. Syrian rue (Peganum harmala)
  3. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)
  4. Synthetic harmala alkaloids (harmaline, tetrahydroharmine, & harmine)

DMT Sources

  1. Acacia Tree (Acacia obtusifolia, A. confusa or A. acuminata)
  2. Chaliponga (Diplopterys cabrerana)
  3. Chacruna (Psychotria viridis)
  4. Reed canary grass (Phalaris brachystachys)
  5. Yopo (Anadenanthera peregrina)
  6. Cebil (Anadenanthera colubrine)
  7. Synthetic DMT
  8. Mimosa (Mimosa hostilis)

Flavor Enhancers

  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
  • Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)
  • Chapantye (Justicia pectoralis)

Smoke Enhances

  • Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
  • Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
  • Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus)
  • Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)

Herbs That Reduce Side Effects

  • American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
  • Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa)

Psychoactive Additives

  • Calea (Calea zacatechichi) – Increases the number of vivid dreams.
  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) – Increases the number of vivid dreams.
  • Pedicularis densiflora (Indian Warrior) β€” Sedative and psychoactive
  • African Dreamroot (Synaptolepis kirkii) – Increases the vividness of dreams.
  • African Dreamroot (Silene capensis) – Increases the vividness of dreams.
  • Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) – Increases the euphoric effects of marijuana.
  • Damiana (Turnera diffusa) – Adds taste and a euphoric effect.
  • Heimia salicifolia (Sun Opener) – Increases auditory hallucinations.
  • Salvia (Salvia divinorum) – Adds to the psychedelic experience.

I’ve heard of individuals combining datura or Brugmansia with their changa, but I strongly advise against it.

These herbs are very psychotropic but in a negative sense. They are delirious, which means they cause delirium for a short period of time. The sensation is frequently characterized as terrible and demonic. It is not a therapeutic experience for anybody, and it may potentially cause long-term bodily or psychological harm. Some of the chemicals in these plants are also poisonous.

At the very least, I recommend you to conduct further study on these plants before considering them.

Julian Palmer’s Changa Recipe:

Julian Palmer is credited as the “inventor” of changa as it is known today. His original recipe is as follows:

Herb Portion:

  1. 30% Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi)
  2. 20% Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
  3. 20% Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)
  4. 20% peppermint (Mentha piperita)
  5. 5% Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
  6. 5% blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)

DMT Portion:

Add around 25% of the total weight of the plant combination above in synthetic DMT. Use around 250 milligrams of DMT per gram of plant combination.


  1. Using a steam bath, melt the DMT.
  2. Mix the DMT with some vodka.
  3. Coat the plants with DMT-infused vodka and set them aside to dry.


According to Julian Palmer’s recipe, the advised dose for this mixture is ambiguous. He claims that 4 grams of changa made in this manner is sufficient for 30 mild doses, 20 “decent” doses, 10 strong doses, or 5 extremely powerful doses.

In terms of weight, this works out to the following dosages:

  1. 133 mg (30 mg DMT) light dosage
  2. 200 mg (50 mg DMT) is a moderate dosage.
  3. 400 mg (100 mg DMT) is a high dosage.
  4. 800 mg (200 mg DMT) is a very high dosage.

Changa is theoretically lawful in the United States, Canada, Australia, and most of Europe because the majority of the active components are legal (with a few exclusions).

The majority of changa recipes call for plants such as mimosa, peppermint, Syrian rue, or calendula, none of which are banned. In certain locations, the ayahuasca vine is classified as a controlled drug, and any changa containing synthetic DMT or MAO inhibitors is prohibited.

The entire purpose of changa is to provide a source of bioavailable DMT utilizing plants that grow locally or can be conveniently obtained online. This includes locating DMT plant sources that are lawful in areas where other psychedelics are not.

Julian Palmer resides in Australia, which is notoriously anti-psychedelic drugs. He advocates for the use of common tree species such as acacia as DMT sources, as well as MAO inhibitors such as passionflower or the ayahuasca plant (which is legal in raw form in Australia).

Frequently Asked Questions About Changa

1. Can I Use 5-MeO-DMT to Make Changa?

Technically, you may, but it is not advised. Taking harmala alkaloids with 5-MeO is not only unnecessary, but it frequently results in bad sensations.

Instead, N,N-DMT is considerably more often used. The effects are similar, but not identical.

2. How Much Does Changa Cost?

Changa prices vary greatly. It might cost anything from $5 to $30 per 100 mg. A gram of changa typically costs approximately $100.

The high cost is mostly due to the high cost of pure DMT, which accounts for between 25 and 50% of the changa combination. Because DMT is only found in extremely minute concentrations in plants, extracting and isolating it needs massive amounts of raw plant material.

One gram of changa may appear to be pricey, yet it will supply several dosages. Changa’s usual dose ranges from roughly 100 mg to 800 mg for a very high dose. Most individuals take 200 mg of a 25% DMT mixture.

Conclusion: The Future of Changa

Changa has been available for about 20 years under the name changa, but the notion of smoking ayahuasca components isn’t new.

Changa is becoming more popular as an alternative to other smokable forms of DMT including ayahuasca itself. The ingredients are widely available and legal in many areas of the world.

Changa is a powerful psychedelic that may transport users to alternate universes. The trip is rather brief, lasting around 45 minutes or less for most individuals. It’s also gentler than 5-MeO-DMT, allowing consumers to ease into the DMT world more gradually.

The disadvantage of changa is the wide range of potential components. You never know what’s in changa, and some black market vendors add harmful chemicals to “intensify” the trip. Changa has been laced with opiates, synthetic cathinone, synthetic cannabinoids, benzodiazepines, and datura. You should never buy changa from someone you don’t know. The best way is to produce your own changa from raw herbs and concentrated N, N-DMT.

Always test your DMT before using it to manufacture changa, and avoid changa entirely if you’re on prescription meds or have underlying heart, liver, kidney, or psychological illnesses.

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