How to Prevent Magic Mushrooms from Going Bad

How to Prevent Magic Mushrooms from Going Bad

Storing magic mushrooms properly is crucial to maintaining their potency, flavor, and safety. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the best practices for drying, storing, and inspecting your magic mushrooms to ensure they remain in the best condition possible. How to Prevent Magic Mushrooms from Going Bad

Understanding Magic Mushroom Shelf Life

Fresh magic mushrooms have a very short shelf life due to their high water content, which makes them prone to mold and bacteria. Fresh mushrooms can last 3-5 days at room temperature and up to 7-14 days in the refrigerator. However, dried mushrooms can last significantly longer, up to two years, if stored correctly.

Drying Magic Mushrooms

Drying is the most effective way to extend the shelf life of your magic mushrooms. Here are the most popular methods:

Air Drying

Air drying is simple and effective:

  1. Preparation: Place your mushrooms on a wire rack or a clean surface that allows for good airflow. Ensure none of the mushrooms are touching.
  2. Environment: Keep them in a warm, dry place with temperatures between 60-70°F (15-21°C) and humidity between 55-65%.
  3. Process: Allow the mushrooms to dry for 1-3 days. Check them daily. If the stems snap rather than bend, they are ready. How to Prevent Magic Mushrooms from Going Bad

Using a Dehydrator

A dehydrator can speed up the drying process:

  1. Setup: Place the mushrooms in the dehydrator at the lowest temperature setting.
  2. Monitoring: Check the mushrooms every hour. They should be ready in a few hours, but continue to monitor until they are completely dry.

Oven Drying

For a quicker method, you can use an oven:

  1. Preparation: Place mushrooms on a baking sheet covered with wax paper.
  2. Temperature: Set the oven to a very low heat (around 90°F or 32°C).
  3. Drying: Check the mushrooms every 15–30 minutes. This method can take between 2-7 hours, depending on the size and number of mushrooms.

Storing Dried Magic Mushrooms

Once dried, the key to long-term storage is to keep them in an environment that is dry, dark, and cool.

Airtight Containers

Store dried mushrooms in airtight containers such as mason jars or vacuum-sealed bags. Include silica gel packets to absorb any residual moisture.

Vacuum Sealing

Using mylar vacuum sealer bags adds an extra layer of protection against moisture and UV light. This method, combined with oxygen absorbers, can keep mushrooms potent for years.

Storing in Honey

For long-term storage, you can submerge dried mushrooms in honey. This method not only preserves the mushrooms but also infuses the honey with psilocybin, allowing you to consume the honey directly for psychoactive effects.

Storing Fresh Magic Mushrooms

If you need to store fresh mushrooms temporarily:

  1. Clean: Use a small brush to remove any dirt.
  2. Storage: Place them on a paper towel inside a paper bag. Roll the bag closed and store it in the refrigerator. Consume within 10 days.

Inspecting Mushrooms for Spoilage

It’s essential to check your mushrooms for signs of spoilage before consumption:

  1. Discoloration: Blue bruising is normal, but black or green mold indicates spoilage.
  2. Smell: A sour or pungent odor means the mushrooms have gone bad.
  3. Texture: Soft spots or a slimy texture suggest bacterial growth.


By following these drying and storage methods, you can significantly extend the shelf life of your magic mushrooms while maintaining their potency and safety. Proper storage not only prevents spoilage but also ensures that your mushrooms remain effective for longer periods.

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