Come coltivare i funghi magici in casa: Una guida completa

Come coltivare i funghi magici in casa

Growing magic mushrooms at home can be a rewarding and educational experience. Whether you’re interested in exploring the psychedelic effects, contributing to scientific research, or simply enjoying a new hobby, this guide will walk you through the entire process. We will cover everything from preparation and inoculation to colonization and fruiting. This article will be optimized for search engine visibility and will include related keywords to enhance its relevance and reach. How to Grow Magic Mushrooms at Home

Indice dei contenuti

  • Introduzione
  • Understanding Magic Mushrooms
  • Preparazione
    • Equipment and Supplies
    • Sterilization
  • Inoculation
    • Spore Selection
    • Inoculation Process
  • Colonization
    • Conditions for Mycelium Growth
    • Monitoring for Contamination
  • Fruiting
    • Preparing the Fruiting Chamber
    • Inducing Fruiting
  • Raccolta
  • Storing Your Harvest
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues
  • Considerazioni legali
  • Riferimenti


Magic mushrooms, specifically those containing the psychoactive compound psilocybin, have been used for centuries for their mind-altering effects. Growing your own mushrooms allows you to have control over the cultivation process and ensures that you are consuming a safe and potent product.

Understanding Magic Mushrooms

Funghi magici belong to the genus Psilocybe, with Psilocybe cubensis being one of the most popular species for cultivation. These mushrooms are known for their hallucinogenic properties, which can produce profound changes in perception, mood, and cognition.


Equipment and Supplies

Before you begin, gather the necessary equipment and supplies:

  • Mason jars or plastic containers
  • Hammer and nail
  • Vermiculite
  • Brown rice flour
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Disinfected strainer
  • Tin foil
  • Pressure cooker or large cooking pot
  • Spore syringe
  • Micropore tape
  • Plastic storage container
  • Perlite


Sterilization is crucial to prevent contamination. Follow these steps to prepare your substrate and jars:

Prepare the Jars:

  • Using a hammer and nail, punch four holes in each jar lid, evenly spaced around the circumference.

Prepare the Substrate:

  • Combine 2/3 cup vermiculite and 1/4 cup water per jar in a mixing bowl. Drain excess water.
  • Add 1/4 cup brown rice flour and mix thoroughly.

Fill the Jars:

  • Fill the jars with the substrate mixture, leaving about half an inch from the top.
  • Sterilize the top half-inch with rubbing alcohol and top off with a layer of dry vermiculite.

Steam Sterilize:

  • Cover the jars with tin foil and place them in a large pot with a towel at the bottom.
  • Add water halfway up the jars and bring to a slow boil. Steam for 75-90 minutes.

Cool the Jars:

  • Allow the jars to cool to room temperature before inoculation.


Spore Selection

Choose a reliable source for your spore syringe. Ensure it contains viable spores of Psilocybe cubensis or your chosen species.

Inoculation Process

Sanitize and Prepare the Syringe:

  • Heat the needle of the syringe with a lighter until it glows red, then let it cool and wipe with alcohol.

Inject Spores:

  • Remove the foil from a jar and insert the syringe through one of the holes.
  • Inject 1/4 cc of spore solution into the substrate, repeating for each hole.
  • Cover the holes with micropore tape.


  • Sterilize the needle between jars and repeat the inoculation process.


Conditions for Mycelium Growth

Place the inoculated jars in a clean, dark area with a temperature of 70-80°F (21-27°C). Mycelium will start to appear within 1-2 weeks.

Monitoring for Contamination

Watch for signs of contamination such as strange colors or smells. Dispose of contaminated jars immediately without opening them.


Preparing the Fruiting Chamber

Make a Shotgun Fruiting Chamber:

  • Drill quarter-inch holes in a plastic storage container, spaced two inches apart on all sides, base, and lid.
  • Place the container on stable objects to allow air circulation underneath.

Add Perlite:

  • Soak perlite in cold water and drain.
  • Spread a 4-5 inch layer of perlite in the bottom of the chamber.

Inducing Fruiting

Birth the Cakes:

  • Remove the colonized substrates (cakes) from the jars.
  • Dunk the cakes in cold water for 24 hours, then roll them in dry vermiculite.

Place in the Chamber:

  • Arrange the cakes on the perlite in the fruiting chamber.
  • Mist the chamber with water and fan several times a day to maintain humidity and fresh air exchange.


Mushrooms are ready to harvest when the veil underneath the cap begins to tear. Twist and pull gently to remove them from the substrate.

Storing Your Harvest

Dry the harvested mushrooms using a dehydrator or by placing them in front of a fan. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Contamination: Ensure all equipment is sterilized and maintain cleanliness throughout the process.
  • Slow Growth: Check temperature and humidity levels.
  • No Fruiting: Ensure proper light, humidity, and fresh air exchange.

Considerazioni legali

The legality of growing magic mushrooms varies by location. Ensure you are aware of and comply with local laws regarding psilocybin mushrooms.


By following this guide, you can successfully grow magic mushrooms at home. Remember to maintain a sterile environment, monitor conditions closely, and be patient throughout the process. Enjoy your cultivation journey!

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